23 April 2010


going back tommorow!!!! hahahahhahahahahahahaha...
a little spring cleaning sin
den PLAY!!!


oh ya...check this out...=.=

21 April 2010


in college now
class is gonna start d
3 more days till i go back for study leave

went out with class ytd nite
had a great time XD

today i gonna finish
my english essay and bio report :)

Gluck XD

18 April 2010

weekend : )

Pretext- *Changed my blogskin!!!!
haha...how does it look?*

cooooool weekend!
thanks zeejoo for the 2 meals XD
ok, i admit, you are a good COOK...hahaha
watched and laughed at the meaningless TV shows >.<
oh, and met hao liang
fixed wynnie's 迅雷 ad...finally...
i din think can fix geh actualli
and i tot i die kaolat liao...
thankfully can work :P

crashing at casa made me realise that you do
freakin nid to close the windows when it rains
unless you wanna get showered in bed =.=

feeling like a movie this week
maybe on tuesday? hmm...
gonna try out OUR CINEMA HERE
(that is, if we even have one)

going back this weekend ad,
then then then!!! I have to prepare
for ma freakin long finals for this sem
2 textbooks for chem and bio each
and half a textbook for maths and one for statistics
plus practicals
AND English
but after that...hahahahaha...muahahahaha...holidays :P

that's it for now, ciao!!

p/s: wynnie, go for the sony geh XD ipod looks sooooo cliche,
everybody has it.

14 April 2010


chem test was hard
but we all got through it
now that we have got our finals timetable
for this semester
i guess its time to start planning
nothing much to do ad today
i am going to have have something nice for lunch tml
here's my timetable
signing off

13 April 2010

i am ready, right?

am i ready?
choices and decisions?
trials and tribulations?
L.i.F.E. ?
after everything that I had done before
am I? :)

11 April 2010

08 April 2010

Dedicated to Mommy

thanks for always being there
 and all that you have done foe me and Edward
Please forgive me during those times that i was hard on you.
and i hope that you will be showered still with
all the best things in life
may all that you hope for always come true
i hope that i havent, and will never disappoint you
Happy Birthday!
I love you always

Eric :)

07 April 2010

wait...i need to do this

exam finish :)

pit stop XD

wat a day
wat a day

finished two of my tests



speaking test!!! i got a 'moderate' for the conclusion part
and the teacher said i need improvement there
swt...i have no idea,
this time round i was kinda very nervous
and then only settled down half way through.
still, hoping for band 9, yeahh!!

biology test
same old same old
time is just nice
if you take into account the fact dat 4 out of the 10 questions are
done spontaneously,
without time to even consider and finish reading the
whole of the questions
relying solely on extracting the important words
such as why and how
10 minutes left for me to go through once to
add to my largely insufficient answers :)
still, i am already quite used to it
so bah...
movie time :)


cont rajin later :P

06 April 2010

c'mon, I can take more (+ . +)

The friggin number of tests and stuff
has increases dramatically over this past few weeks,
i can take more!!!
: )
not able to slack as usual
but still i am proud to say that if life's gonna always be this busy
i'm glad.
achievement would be inaccessible if i had been mentally hibernating all the way

now, initiatives must be made
and stuff to be done
i guess this has been the transition period to which i was so
looking forward to once very long ago
this is the stage for which i can
make the most out of my life
and my life,
by all means,
will only provide such a time once,
later on in life i may have a different vision
a different way to lead my life
but for now and this very moment
i want and will make it my time's worth

no more unnecessary naps,
no more unnecessary entertainment,
no more unnecessary slackings.

in short, things i used to do,
will now be put in with stuff that i CAN do instead.
more writing, reading, socialising, learning and
being the best of who i am.

and not at the very least,
managing my impatience and holding on to
stuff that i set my mind to for a far longer period.
bless me, for this is youth
and life has never slowed down or paused.
why should i do so any longer?

smiles to the world, and to all
friends, family, strangers, enemies, idols and all
i have been enlightened
in the midst of tests and studies and life

04 April 2010

so much to study so little time

i ve gotta admit it
i need to smack myself real hard for the constant procrastinations
i have an unlimited supply of knowledge to meet
in a limited period of time
far worse than being screwed

will constant studying really suit me?

i guess its time to hustle up
and kick the freakin ass of lazinesss



finished report
studied for math test tommorrow
and its just nicely before 1 o clock!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love myself for being so diligent his week :)
keep it up keep it up!!!
now for a rest
then later tonite gonna do my bio :)
be happy be happy be happy
bcz for once i really really
din halfway go play game or watch movie wen studying!!!
speaking of movies...
i wanna watch alooottt of movies....
no chance :(

星座 :)

这可有一点准啦…… XD

双子孤傲是因为他们自信,双子善变是因为世界在改变,双子没有耐性是因为他们发现了不值得,双子冷漠是因为他们害怕被伤害,双子花心是因为他们没 有找到真爱,双子不在乎是因为你没有看到他们的敏感。     

双子们的笑永远都是最单纯的(单纯 :D),无论什么时候你都会看到一直都在笑的双子,因为他们一直都只想把自己的快乐带给别人,却只把悲伤留给自己,你没有看 到过双子的眼泪是因为他从来不会在被人面前哭,当你看到双子的眼泪的时候,那么说明你是真的把他们的真心夺走了,因为双子真的很需要一份值得的依靠,他会每时每刻的在乎你的一切,他们很敏感的,会跟着你的快乐而快乐,跟着你的忧愁而忧愁,跟着你的改变而改变,但在你面前他们从来都是快乐的。

一提到双子的爱,一般人肯定都会说:双子座的人最花心。可是是真的是这样吗?双子和异性的关系好只是因为他们非同一般的亲和力(因为笑容吧 目哇哈哈哈哈哈 :P),而双子的真心只有一个,当他找到的时候,他就会付出自己的 一切让对方得到幸福,他要的不是他自己能和对方在一起,他要的是对方的幸福,和双子在一起会感到很随和,因为他会包容你的一切(过分的包容,会不好吗?),你的一切优点和缺点,和双子在一起绝对不会觉得被锁住,你只要做自己就好,因为双子喜欢的就是真实的你,做作的人根本不会得到双子的心。

有人说双子很坚强,什么都不在乎,是阿,表面的双子确实很坚强,但是内心他们比任何人都脆弱,也许这也是风向星座的人的一个特性,决不会让别人看到自己脆弱的一面,因为他们都是一个有一双别人看不见翅膀的天使,天生就会给别人带来快乐(看了好开心:P),双子们的眼泪是透明 的,别人看不见,可是自己却能看得很清楚这样的透明的泪给自己开来双倍的痛。


当双子的朋友真的很幸福哦!因为当你遇到什么困难时,他会比你更着急(哈哈……我还以为我很冷静呢 :P),甚至会失去自己宝贵的东西也会帮助你,他会带给你快乐帮你分担忧愁,可是你却看不到他的孤独和无助,当双子看到你不高兴的时候,无论这时他有多么的郁闷,他也会立刻露出最真实的笑容来帮助你。(:P 有时,嗯)

说双子善变,那只是片面之词,对于双子真正喜欢的东西,它是会执着的让人害怕的(对对对!!!顶!),就是因为内心太像小孩子太单纯,所以对于他们真正喜欢的东西,他 们是根本就不知道放弃是什么的,除非是他们自己发现这个东西不值得,否则他们是绝对不会放弃的,只要是他们肯定的,他们就会有超出别人很多的坚持和执著。

双子的自尊很重要,对于他们最重要的恐怕就是这个了,他们懂得原谅,无数次的去试着原谅,就算别人让自己千疮百孔,他们也会无条件的有自己的宽容,有自己的原则和原谅,就是因为他们的自尊(原来如此 XD),他们的自尊心让他们相信这个世界永远都是最美的,因为他们的自尊不允许自己放弃这个世界。

在双子的世界里没有分享(切实,有时会不想借东西给人啦,给就无所谓哦:P,只有是你的或者是我的,他们不会把一样东西去和别人分享,因为他们认为这样对那样东西是不公平的,因为他在乎每一个人每 一样东西的感觉,只要他认为这件东西是自己可以割舍的,他绝对会无条件的退出,去成全别人,对于欺骗过他们的恋人,他会选择原谅,但绝对不会再和他们在一 起,因为他懂得这样不值得。

双子座的人真的很可爱,真的很需要人的保护和安慰,他们不会放弃世界,却会放弃自己,去成全别人,他们懂得原谅和理解,无论这一秒他有多讨厌一个 人,下一秒看到那个人脆弱的一面,他还是会去无条件地帮助他(有点准:D),真的很傻吧?但是傻的好可爱,好让人心疼,痛过以后,他们依然会笑着面对以后未知的路,继续原谅,继续理解,继续快乐,继续的傻着,改变双子真的很难吧?因为他们的心都是金刚石作的,但不是说他们无情,他们的执着只是针对自己的,那么孤傲的一个 人,也只是针对自己,因为他们不知道怎么表达自己的内心,所以他们选择了沉默。(嗯,这句太对了)

总觉得是,星座也许能把人们分类出来,可是这篇文当中所叙述的无非只是些肤浅的概念而已。要知道,一格人的性格,是跟着环境与经验而改变的。 人,是好是坏这个归类法,非常客观。也许想要断定你自己到底是个怎样的人,是永远都做不到的。生活,就是那么有趣,没有让你完全掌握它的机会, 而每个人的生活都是由自己决定的。你,决定了吗?


03 April 2010


today, i studied.
that has all been on hold, until today XD

one movie,
one lunch
'tis how i had my saturday
oh wat a day
wat a day

chores done,
hygiene checked
things cleaned

a fulfilled life
with fulfilled tasks
yet still
it feels empty

make out life's worth
we are all things
use us wisely

driven by senses
in a pseudo-motivated life
wat makes us us
but we ourselves

against my chair
i wonder how
will the road ahead be
bumpy and muddy
or smooth and straight.

: )