till today
Basically, we had our full day off yesterday
I was not really expecting it though
After my PA duty for the morning event
the wonderful news was announced
most of the other people just went off home or
had their own activities
for me who was expecting just another day of
school, I was quite stunned and did not know what was
I going to do
Luckily, my PA seniors who were just around
decided to go out
I guess I just kinda tagged along.
Ironically, we took about half an hour deciding
where to go although they were very eager to
take off
finally our president came up with the idea that we just go
to the bus stop and get onto the first bus that stops
which by the way did not work out
we finally decided to go to IKEA
haha...don't go wondering what we were doing
at a furniture store
they were actually scouting for a couch
to add to our activity room
and also to buy some birthday presents
we ended up doing lame stuff and taking photos in the end
but there were some stuff we did buy
we bought a PLANT! and a LANTERN!
yay...haha it looks cool by the way,
check out the pictures below.
I just ended my longest day of school
of the week, so i am not going to write any more,
just enjoy the pictures.
bye bye
pics pics pics pics pics