2012 is in 3 hours =)
I hope that the new year will be an awesome year for me, my family and my friends!
I'll be making a few changes in me...
Making transitions into adulthood,
re-sort my priorities,
making sure I get what I want,
which is basically a life of freedom,
to get to choose what I want when I want to.
and to fulfill my needs and wants =)
I hope you have a great new year too xD
This place is where it all comes together...An archive of my memories, a vault of my past! Though my audience is only a few close friends, still I am glad that people is reading this! HEHE...thanks for your time! =)
31 December 2011
28 December 2011
A life of Games and Food
Hahaha...another day, another food, and game
that is how my holidays are going,
Mommy whipped up some deeeelicious home made food for me
and daddy bought durians for dinner today
and had some ipoh salted chicken! XD
Played a few games, watched a few movies,
talked with some friends (this part is the same whether I am home or not)
hahaha...but the fact that I am sitting very comfortably on my living room couch
makes it ohh that much more warm and awesome =P
A year has come to an end and I must say this year has had its ups and downs.
I finished my A levels this year, which was awesome
and then I joined university! and am quite orientated now!
Then made a bunch of new friends,
and somemore I guess I bonded more with some other friends over
the period of time I had in IMU.
I got new equipments---- lappie and speakers
I have my awesome room!
most importantly,
I am thoroughly enjoying myself! =)
hopefully it is the same for the coming year,
assuming its not the end of the world and we don't all die ; )
that is how my holidays are going,
Mommy whipped up some deeeelicious home made food for me
and daddy bought durians for dinner today
and had some ipoh salted chicken! XD
Played a few games, watched a few movies,
talked with some friends (this part is the same whether I am home or not)
hahaha...but the fact that I am sitting very comfortably on my living room couch
makes it ohh that much more warm and awesome =P
A year has come to an end and I must say this year has had its ups and downs.
I finished my A levels this year, which was awesome
and then I joined university! and am quite orientated now!
Then made a bunch of new friends,
and somemore I guess I bonded more with some other friends over
the period of time I had in IMU.
I got new equipments---- lappie and speakers
I have my awesome room!
most importantly,
I am thoroughly enjoying myself! =)
hopefully it is the same for the coming year,
assuming its not the end of the world and we don't all die ; )
27 December 2011
First time home in months
Wow, it has really been ages since I was home...and stuff changes around here so fast =S
Just went to Thailand a couple of days back for a food trip,
My god everything was so yummmmy...
Missed home so much =(
Had been a weird couple of days...=S
my friend lost her wallet...quite troublesome,
stupid thieves, want money just take money la...what for
take everything, make people's life more troublesome =.=
back to the good side,
university life has been kind to me
made alot of new friends,
became better friends with old ones,
and now I am home to meet up with even older ones
I have had a very good year,
most of the things I want I have been able to get
I am very grateful for this year! XD
Hopefully next year will be even better, =)
Just went to Thailand a couple of days back for a food trip,
My god everything was so yummmmy...
Missed home so much =(
Had been a weird couple of days...=S
my friend lost her wallet...quite troublesome,
stupid thieves, want money just take money la...what for
take everything, make people's life more troublesome =.=
back to the good side,
university life has been kind to me
made alot of new friends,
became better friends with old ones,
and now I am home to meet up with even older ones
I have had a very good year,
most of the things I want I have been able to get
I am very grateful for this year! XD
Hopefully next year will be even better, =)
01 November 2011
Busy Busy!
I am going home this weekend!!! =D yay!
Other than that I had been extremely busy,
busy with the university stuff
with chores
with groceries
with food
but I somehow feel
at least I am not just sitting around waiting for time to pass =)
Imma go join some friends for swimming now...=)
Hope I post here soon =D
Other than that I had been extremely busy,
busy with the university stuff
with chores
with groceries
with food
but I somehow feel
at least I am not just sitting around waiting for time to pass =)
Imma go join some friends for swimming now...=)
Hope I post here soon =D
31 October 2011
Awesome Weekend
Phew, just came back yesterday from a tiring but super fun weekend.
I spent last friday night being part of the organizing committee for
my university's Halloween night, the turn out was quite "meehhh"
but in the end I am just relieved that its over =D
That night was suuuper tiring, I only got to bed at around 3am.
The next morning I had to wake at 7.30am to get prepared for going to....
haha...this time round I went with my fellow college mates,
mainly is to support my friend's sister who got into the top 10
for the astro beauty pageant. She was contestant number 1, Evonne! XD
anyhow, we reached there (genting) and had lots of fun
taking goofy pictures,
talking crap,
walking around,
that night we gambled amongst ourselves,
we played exactly 50 games of big2,
Lost in the end though =(
anyhow, slept at around 5am
damn shit the next day got woken up at around 11am =P
we went for a quick breakfast and then dessert! and then we proceeded to leave genting!
this time we took the cable car! xD damn awesome view...
We were about to go back but then finally someone decided to watch
real steel at timesquare,
so we went!
but in the end we watched In Time, by Justin Timberlake, which was damn awesome in the end! XD
We then had nandos for dinner, and proceeded back home feeling tired, lazy, happy, full and awesome!
What more, I have 6 lectures today, I have already gone through 4 of them,
now there's two more left!
Arghh...luckily I finished my homework in time to hand it in today...
I guess I am gonna hand it in now and go to lectures!
Ciao y'all, hope to see you guys soon =D
I spent last friday night being part of the organizing committee for
my university's Halloween night, the turn out was quite "meehhh"
but in the end I am just relieved that its over =D
That night was suuuper tiring, I only got to bed at around 3am.
The next morning I had to wake at 7.30am to get prepared for going to....
haha...this time round I went with my fellow college mates,
mainly is to support my friend's sister who got into the top 10
for the astro beauty pageant. She was contestant number 1, Evonne! XD
anyhow, we reached there (genting) and had lots of fun
taking goofy pictures,
talking crap,
walking around,
that night we gambled amongst ourselves,
we played exactly 50 games of big2,
Lost in the end though =(
anyhow, slept at around 5am
damn shit the next day got woken up at around 11am =P
we went for a quick breakfast and then dessert! and then we proceeded to leave genting!
this time we took the cable car! xD damn awesome view...
We were about to go back but then finally someone decided to watch
real steel at timesquare,
so we went!
but in the end we watched In Time, by Justin Timberlake, which was damn awesome in the end! XD
We then had nandos for dinner, and proceeded back home feeling tired, lazy, happy, full and awesome!
What more, I have 6 lectures today, I have already gone through 4 of them,
now there's two more left!
Arghh...luckily I finished my homework in time to hand it in today...
I guess I am gonna hand it in now and go to lectures!
Ciao y'all, hope to see you guys soon =D
24 October 2011
Long time no Post
Its been TWO whole months since I updated my blog...=P
I guess I wasn't even up to my own challenge to get this blog going everyday...
I just did not make myself spare some time to come over here pour out
my feelings for the day and all...
I guess med school started well for me,
I can't really say that I am in less pressure than any other time in my life
But I can't say that I am really under a lot of pressure too now =P
cause first thing's first, I am of course in EXTREMELY GOOD company
which means the people around me are simply awesome ... HEHEHE
Basically life is meh...awesome! xD closest shopping place is Mid-valley, but most accessible
is Times Square. Though these places are great...I do miss SS15 and Sunway a lot =(
Okay well, congratulations to me on being able to enroll into courses that have just had a revamp
on their syllabus, my A-levels was of a newer syllabus, and now, my degree course is also of a newer
beta-testing-phase syllabus in which relative to our senior's, we would be doing the same amount of workload
in a smaller period of time...=X sigh...more time spent on studying compared to the
previous batches I guess...
Life so far is damn awesome la...basically its an awesome place to hang out
just that we don't have enough time to enjoy Everything, yet
thats also because my time management sucks,
which is something I definitely have to work on
if I ever dream of getting out of this place alive.
anyhow, I do miss my home town and a few of my friends that I haven't seen in a while.
That is all for today I guess! btw, I am studying now!
I have some mock test on friday, so its
time to cram...
See ya guys! =D
I guess I wasn't even up to my own challenge to get this blog going everyday...
I just did not make myself spare some time to come over here pour out
my feelings for the day and all...
I guess med school started well for me,
I can't really say that I am in less pressure than any other time in my life
But I can't say that I am really under a lot of pressure too now =P
cause first thing's first, I am of course in EXTREMELY GOOD company
which means the people around me are simply awesome ... HEHEHE
Basically life is meh...awesome! xD closest shopping place is Mid-valley, but most accessible
is Times Square. Though these places are great...I do miss SS15 and Sunway a lot =(
Okay well, congratulations to me on being able to enroll into courses that have just had a revamp
on their syllabus, my A-levels was of a newer syllabus, and now, my degree course is also of a newer
beta-testing-phase syllabus in which relative to our senior's, we would be doing the same amount of workload
in a smaller period of time...=X sigh...more time spent on studying compared to the
previous batches I guess...
Life so far is damn awesome la...basically its an awesome place to hang out
just that we don't have enough time to enjoy Everything, yet
thats also because my time management sucks,
which is something I definitely have to work on
if I ever dream of getting out of this place alive.
anyhow, I do miss my home town and a few of my friends that I haven't seen in a while.
That is all for today I guess! btw, I am studying now!
I have some mock test on friday, so its
time to cram...
See ya guys! =D
28 August 2011
1st Week of University!
There's been a slight delay in posting =)
Well, main reason being that the 1st week of my life in universityis super damn hectic! Its IMU's very own Orientation week!
Anyhow, just a warning, this is will a very very very long post so for those
of you who needs a toilet break or haven't eaten, I'd advice you to go do that before continue reading on.
First and foremost, IMU is Awesome! =D
My room is damn nice, courtesy of my Mom and my uncle (and daddy for paying =P)
I live in a penthouse unit btw! xDAlrite lets go! The first day we reached KL, we went to Vista Komanwel C (my
Apartment) straight away, and then we registered my name and stuff, got my security pass (which did not work, not until 3 days later =.=) and then we went off to the closest shopping mall, Endah Parade (they have a
carrefour and Mr D.I.Y.) for some food. Then its a little more exciting cz we went to IKEA to grab some furniture to deco my room, Normal lah! Later at night, we had Kajang Satay for dinner!!! Wakaka...damn SUPERB! I had rabbit meat! which, actually, tastes like chicken =S
The second day, well we went to midvalley to grab some food and stuff with my cousin =))) We watch the Zookeeper! Damn funny show la!!! XD Dinner was seafood!!! which damn awesome also la btw...and that's the end of my holidays =)
First day! in University la anyways, I just found out that I did not bring along my black shoes, sooo...i wore formal with a pair of sneakers =S Went into the uni and like whaooo...totally looks like a shopping mall =P actually it really WAS a shopping mall, I took the ESCALATOR (cool rite =P) up to the 3rd floor and went up a flight of stairs to the fourth floor. Went and registered, got a lab coat! =) listened to a boring lecture, figured out that I was in the Phoenix House! =D Btw I have 11 modules (Subjects) to finish this semester =D GOOOO ME211 Cohort!!!
Second day in Uni =) I found out I was in Orientation Group 2 =) and...thanks to LEE JI CHING I got to become the team leader...ughhh...what the hell man. But thankfully all my groupmates and awesome!!!! =)) we named our group straight------ TUNA lol...why?
because we are group 2 and its....TWO - NA! xD
Then we went on to discuss our LONG Cheer and SHORT Cheer...then I guess we went on to prepare for the night's activities---- Ice Breakers! =) Our group got the highest marks for that btw!! =D Sadly, during the WET icebreakers part, I got injured at the 1st game =.=, I guess I was too heavy and broke it~~ but we still won a lot of games! then we cleaned up and seniors asked us to join them for a mamak session to get to noe everybody! I was like OMG who AREE you? SOOOO many NAMES! then it got better when I got used to it! Thats for the first night we went home at 1.30 =S and had to wash the same clothes somemore to wear on the next day =)
Third day! okay, then now it is time for some boring lectures......lets just skip those =P we went to have a indoor treasure hunt! yay awesome! xD we finished our FLAG (which is an awesome looking shirt btw) just in time! Since the theme was IMU the
The next day, we practiced ALOT for the dance, we have got like what, a few hours to practice? OMG...btw our tea, has a WTF, well a WTF basically is someone who is supposed to do random funny stuff when the seniors ask them to, and our group's WTF is Sabutai, an ethic mongolian from Pakistan who was previously studying in Australia. Well, we performed our dance and it was damn awesome! =D and FUN! xD after the performance wei, a couple of guys and I got pulled onstage to dance to single ladies on the spot! OMG...~,~ Anyhow, forgot to mention, we got a presentation to do (academic-related stuff) the next day, so no mamak session today...
Alrite, me and my presentation groupmates, lead by Isaac =D finished the presentation (a sketch) quite fast and just performed it la...and since its a friday, we had nothing going on that night and was like just finishing up the SIGNATURE HUNT before the holidays! Basically we all ran around doing funny stuff our seniors ask us to just to get their signature! Later that night, seniors were busy studying for and exam so we just went off to dinner by our own, a groupmate, Kimberly, drove us to Kuchai Lama for some AWESOME Dimsum!!! well we actually wanted to go to endah parade to buy some stuff and eat there, but we did an early turning and well, DIM SUM! xD That night, me, meiyi, timothy(aka Mighty Mouse), Sahan and Mak See Mun (aka Maximum) got to my apartment to finish a CRRRAZY hat that we have to use today! and I must say, for some non-artistic people we certainly did a VERY nice job!!! =D *claps*
Alrite, and here we are on saturday! today we gathered damn early in the morning for something called the TRACK TRIP! xD we are going around KL! yay!!! OK, so now, we went to KLCC!!! reached there about the same time as NG WYN NIE (luckily she didn't see my group =PPP) around 10 something and we went to did out first task! to take pictures around the park! funny pictures to be exact! xD on the way, since we were a biiig gang of people, the guards kept a close eye on us and we got like, randomly whistled by them =.= why aren't we allowed to use the SWINGS!!!??? =S Anyhow, finishing the picture, we got up and rested and had lunch, i dozed up at the table in the KLCC food court and a guard woke me "No sleeping" he says...and I was like...WHAT??? =.= we then went to Central Market to finish our stuff! xD and were free to do what ever! SO, we decided to head over to the PAVILLION! xD and had a terrible movie! damn dun watch Conan the Barbarian...UGHH...I wanted to sleep so bad when I was inside and when I actually slept, BANG BANG CLASHHH BISH, woke up by the swords...=.= We then got back and just slept. F.I.N.A.L.L.Y.
Alrite and now I just got back and I am in ALOR SETAR NOW!!! woohoo...
one week's rest and then off to IMU again! well, I guess thats All that I can come up with for the pass week! I know I missed out a lot of STUFF but come on! I am damn tired ad, Eric is SIgning OFF! to sleep!!!
Good night =)))
18 August 2011
My Results!
Yay! after all the hard work and praying =)))
I got what I wanted and aimed for!!
today is a great day!
Well, for the record, my scores are~~:
Unit Summary
Thats all for today~~~ =)
I got what I wanted and aimed for!!
today is a great day!
Well, for the record, my scores are~~:
Unit Summary
Subject Code
Subject Title
UMS / Max Score
Thats all for today~~~ =)
17 August 2011
Going Back Sooon
Okay! today is very productive for me...hmm hmm hmm...!
I gave in to my gaming side liao
I tried to reject but
since my uncle already finished downloading the 2.0 GB files
I see no harm in starting to play
its an online game duh...
nice concept because it is action based! Unlike the usual dull 3D online games,
this 1 is actually action based! which is not weird seeing how action games have gotten
a lot of attention recently, like Diablo 3, Dungeon Siege 3, Mass Effect series...and so on and so forth
okay enough talk, here is how the game looks like!
Nice right!!! =D anyhow, I wanted to play the Archer but its a girl =(
aih...i dun like playing as girls though...
anyhow, its a fun game! So pretty somemore =D
Well after talking about all the fun I have been having, here comes the serious part...
confirmed that I will be getting the keys to my new room in Bukit Jalil Tomorrow!
sooo awesome! xD looking forward to move there! =))
for those of you who doesnt know,
I am off to IMU for MBBS starting 22nd!
Pictures of my soon-to-be room~ =)
Hehe! I will surely enjoy my time there! =)
Okay, now for tomorrow!
my A levels results are coming out!!!
lets hope for the best now xD
thats all, good night!!!
I gave in to my gaming side liao
I tried to reject but
since my uncle already finished downloading the 2.0 GB files
I see no harm in starting to play
its an online game duh...
nice concept because it is action based! Unlike the usual dull 3D online games,
this 1 is actually action based! which is not weird seeing how action games have gotten
a lot of attention recently, like Diablo 3, Dungeon Siege 3, Mass Effect series...and so on and so forth
okay enough talk, here is how the game looks like!
Nice right!!! =D anyhow, I wanted to play the Archer but its a girl =(
aih...i dun like playing as girls though...
anyhow, its a fun game! So pretty somemore =D
Well after talking about all the fun I have been having, here comes the serious part...
confirmed that I will be getting the keys to my new room in Bukit Jalil Tomorrow!
sooo awesome! xD looking forward to move there! =))
for those of you who doesnt know,
I am off to IMU for MBBS starting 22nd!
Pictures of my soon-to-be room~ =)
Hehe! I will surely enjoy my time there! =)
Okay, now for tomorrow!
my A levels results are coming out!!!
lets hope for the best now xD
thats all, good night!!!
16 August 2011
New Laptop!
Thanks to my uncle! Who bought me this awesommmeee laptop!!!
The Asus N53SV-SX557V!!! =)))
The technical part:
The Picture Part!!!
Beautiful right? =)
I have been using this A lot!
And I will be taking good care of it! xD
Here are some pictures that I took myself!
Okay I guess that is all for today! Until Next time!!! =D
The Asus N53SV-SX557V!!! =)))
The technical part:
CPU | Intel® Core™ I7-2630QM Processor (2.00GHz, Turbo up to 2.90GHz) /6M |
OS | Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium |
Display | 15.6" Full HD (1920x1080) LED backlit Asus Splendid Video Intelligent Technology |
Graphics | NVIDIA® GeForce® GT540M with 2GB DDR3 VRAM |
RAM | 4GB (2GBx2) DDR3 1066 MHz RAM |
Optical Drive | 8 x Super Multi-Dual DVD-ROM |
Card Reader | 3 In 1 Card Reader ( SD/ MS/ MMC) |
Connection | Integrated 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth V3.0 |
Battery | 6 Cell Battery , 5200 mAh |
Webcam | 2.0 Mega Pixel Web Camera |
The Picture Part!!!
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Keyboard, Soft and Touchy, with NUM pad! |
![]() |
Multi touch mousepad! Finally!!! I can zoom like a Mac! |
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Large! Very nice for movies!!! |
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Darkish Silver finishing, AWESOME! |
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ASUS, I love you. |
I have been using this A lot!
And I will be taking good care of it! xD
Here are some pictures that I took myself!
![]() |
From My E-71! Yep...my phone is still ALIVE and WELL |
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My Desktop!!! Please say that its NICE =D |
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Ratings...blah blah blah |
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Specs! Finally a Genuine Windows OS! |
Finally!!! Phew...finished my finals after 2 grueling months...
simply unbelievable! Some of the paper damn hard like shit
but some paper still easy...
this year my birthday is among my papers,
the day for my chemistry paper =)
that night I remembered I went out to study so no one was disturbing me
I crammed a whole unit that day =D
then wen the clock struck 12,
TADA! A group of beloved friends appeared to sang me a birthday song.
Some other people called me =D
thanks for everything yeah!!! Then I went on studying LOL
My best present for this year?! AN ASUS LAPPIEEE!!!!
Thanks uncle! I will review the lappie in my next post!
The second best is the EASY chemistry paper! thanks edexcel! hehehe...
Then after the exam on my birthday, we went off to celebrate and had some cake! yummy!
Too bad I have no pictures at all...
WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! its been 2 years since I started this blog,
I've finished my A-Levels!!!
The results is coming out in 2 more days! haha...
thats another milestone in my life.
Next stop: International Medical University for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
simply unbelievable! Some of the paper damn hard like shit
but some paper still easy...
this year my birthday is among my papers,
the day for my chemistry paper =)
that night I remembered I went out to study so no one was disturbing me
I crammed a whole unit that day =D
then wen the clock struck 12,
TADA! A group of beloved friends appeared to sang me a birthday song.
Some other people called me =D
thanks for everything yeah!!! Then I went on studying LOL
My best present for this year?! AN ASUS LAPPIEEE!!!!
Thanks uncle! I will review the lappie in my next post!
The second best is the EASY chemistry paper! thanks edexcel! hehehe...
Then after the exam on my birthday, we went off to celebrate and had some cake! yummy!
Too bad I have no pictures at all...
WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! its been 2 years since I started this blog,
I've finished my A-Levels!!!
The results is coming out in 2 more days! haha...
thats another milestone in my life.
Next stop: International Medical University for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
14 May 2011
I've been playing a lot of games these few days
so much that I am a bit regretful I haven't used the time for studying
my FINALS is coming,
heck its this Monday
two days to go
and heck I am not doing what I am supposed to
the feeling just isn't right
I need to study, like seriously la....
so much that I am a bit regretful I haven't used the time for studying
my FINALS is coming,
heck its this Monday
two days to go
and heck I am not doing what I am supposed to
the feeling just isn't right
I need to study, like seriously la....
09 May 2011
1 week
alrite alrite
its this time of my life again
another big ass exam xD
ughh...shit they really shouldn't force us to cram
so many things in such a short span of time
then again
if we don't do exams
I'd never be able to remember anything
i hate that the world is gettin smarter and smarter
evybody just has freakin sky high expectations now
high income
damn sometimes I think this evolution is not all as good as it seems
yeah most of us are doing way better than we would be if things
have not changed
if there wasnt a world war 2
if there wasnt a renaissance
it there wasnt an industrial revolution
but this life now
Apple products, smart phones, COOL ASS COMPUTER GAMES <3,
and music, plenty of time for entertainment,
plenty of things to do
all comes with a price though,
yea it does,
we tend to have less of one of our most valuable assets to spend,
time =)
too many things to spend time on
we need to make sacrifices,
we do
and now
I am sacrificing my time studying for my exams
for some time to fool around!!
hey who ever said sacrifices have to be made using things we like, eh?? xDD
its this time of my life again
another big ass exam xD
ughh...shit they really shouldn't force us to cram
so many things in such a short span of time
then again
if we don't do exams
I'd never be able to remember anything
i hate that the world is gettin smarter and smarter
evybody just has freakin sky high expectations now
high income
damn sometimes I think this evolution is not all as good as it seems
yeah most of us are doing way better than we would be if things
have not changed
if there wasnt a world war 2
if there wasnt a renaissance
it there wasnt an industrial revolution
but this life now
Apple products, smart phones, COOL ASS COMPUTER GAMES <3,
and music, plenty of time for entertainment,
plenty of things to do
all comes with a price though,
yea it does,
we tend to have less of one of our most valuable assets to spend,
time =)
too many things to spend time on
we need to make sacrifices,
we do
and now
I am sacrificing my time studying for my exams
for some time to fool around!!
hey who ever said sacrifices have to be made using things we like, eh?? xDD
17 April 2011
suddenly have the urge
to go out and have fun
but I know now
that I dun have that time anymore =((
spent 5 hours to finish the simplest part of my report
hopefully I will be able to keep it going later
because I am tired now
and I need a rest
I will continue later on,
then tomorrow again
I have to push now
because the due date is friday
hopefully when its all done
I'll still find it worth it =)
I actually have time for a lot of things
sure i dun have the time to spend 3 hours traveling
so that I can have 2 hours of movie time
my day would be gone
but what i do have
what i do have time for is to take a walk outside
to watch a movie here
to chat with my friends
and also to lie in bed doing absolutely nothing at all
I do have time
I have time for my family and friends especially
I have to say sorry here
sorry to my friends and mostly my family
for when times that I get scared
for when times when I get nervous
I'd give out irresponsible, cold responses
even to caring words
I'd think that I do not have the time
but when actually I do
I hope you all will forgive me
for all the times when I was rude
and I hope that all of you can see it in me now
that I appreciate you all like I should =)
to go out and have fun
but I know now
that I dun have that time anymore =((
spent 5 hours to finish the simplest part of my report
hopefully I will be able to keep it going later
because I am tired now
and I need a rest
I will continue later on,
then tomorrow again
I have to push now
because the due date is friday
hopefully when its all done
I'll still find it worth it =)
I actually have time for a lot of things
sure i dun have the time to spend 3 hours traveling
so that I can have 2 hours of movie time
my day would be gone
but what i do have
what i do have time for is to take a walk outside
to watch a movie here
to chat with my friends
and also to lie in bed doing absolutely nothing at all
I do have time
I have time for my family and friends especially
I have to say sorry here
sorry to my friends and mostly my family
for when times that I get scared
for when times when I get nervous
I'd give out irresponsible, cold responses
even to caring words
I'd think that I do not have the time
but when actually I do
I hope you all will forgive me
for all the times when I was rude
and I hope that all of you can see it in me now
that I appreciate you all like I should =)
14 April 2011
I am way too laid back =(
this I admit and I try and try to make it work
but why won't it work??!!
I want to do this, to finish and hand in this report because it is just too important
yet why am I not that motivated to do it any more?
Do I really need a rest that bad?
Or am I just afraid of whats going to come after these exams
these evaluations
these interviews?
I think I am afraid of university
I really think I am
What if I cannot cope with it?
AM I going to fall under pressure???
It is not early anymore
the deadline is near
Its a whole new world out there
have all my decisions up till today lead me to this?
will I regret anything that I have done?
As I get closer to society
I can start to feel different vibes all around me
the thought of meeting different types of people
and coping
and trying to satisfy my own view of the world
what would I do in the face of pressure?
what would I do when fear is my adversary?
SO many things to do and consider
to be honest, I am childish and selfish
I do not want change
I do want a change
which is what is confusing me know
I hope the world can fall in to perfectly aligned pieces
but I know better
I know that the world has simply too many variables
so many that even statistical probability shows that
Maybe it is the unknown that scares me
maybe its the though of a sudden change that I want to elude
maybe...all I need is a forceful kick from my comfort zone
maybe...all I need is some tough love
this I admit and I try and try to make it work
but why won't it work??!!
I want to do this, to finish and hand in this report because it is just too important
yet why am I not that motivated to do it any more?
Do I really need a rest that bad?
Or am I just afraid of whats going to come after these exams
these evaluations
these interviews?
I think I am afraid of university
I really think I am
What if I cannot cope with it?
AM I going to fall under pressure???
It is not early anymore
the deadline is near
Its a whole new world out there
have all my decisions up till today lead me to this?
will I regret anything that I have done?
As I get closer to society
I can start to feel different vibes all around me
the thought of meeting different types of people
and coping
and trying to satisfy my own view of the world
what would I do in the face of pressure?
what would I do when fear is my adversary?
SO many things to do and consider
to be honest, I am childish and selfish
I do not want change
I do want a change
which is what is confusing me know
I hope the world can fall in to perfectly aligned pieces
but I know better
I know that the world has simply too many variables
so many that even statistical probability shows that
Maybe it is the unknown that scares me
maybe its the though of a sudden change that I want to elude
maybe...all I need is a forceful kick from my comfort zone
maybe...all I need is some tough love
04 April 2011
I just had the best weekend that I have had in a long time =)
thanks alot guys @wynnie @zeejoo @tingyeong a.k.a. Summer ; )
it left me very tired, but it was really awesome! enjoyed it as much as you guys did! hee hee
finally also made the trip to semenyih! and zeejoo your house totally rocks lah! =D
a bit envious of you
great housemates with one of them being a FANTASTIC SINGER! OMG
don't worry if you have any more of those weekend syndromes thingy
cz we are your cure =P
you dun have to talk with your stuffed teddy bears all alone~ we will talk with them together...xD
and i'm sure next time we make shadows, we will be btter at it le...
WYNNIEe! lu must take superrrr goood care of your new baby, baby, baby owhh~
and dun finish your sweets so fast =PPP
Summer =D read more jokes that suit your name ler~ or else next time we might really call you winter le xD
thanks for sending us back yeah, appreciate it lotsss =D
hehe...sooo sampat la we all xD but i just have to let y'all know
i enjoyed it very, very very much...
the Hop! and the Chick! and the bunny and the Food <3
thanks for making my weekends feel like weekends~
P/S: Slept at 8pm yesterday, thats y I am sitting at my balcony now, typing this post,
with headsets on to a melody I got from Ting Yeong, staring at the sky while it slowly turns from black to orange, and yellow and finally blue =)
i feel awesome larh!
thanks alot guys @wynnie @zeejoo @tingyeong a.k.a. Summer ; )
it left me very tired, but it was really awesome! enjoyed it as much as you guys did! hee hee
finally also made the trip to semenyih! and zeejoo your house totally rocks lah! =D
a bit envious of you
great housemates with one of them being a FANTASTIC SINGER! OMG
don't worry if you have any more of those weekend syndromes thingy
cz we are your cure =P
you dun have to talk with your stuffed teddy bears all alone~ we will talk with them together...xD
and i'm sure next time we make shadows, we will be btter at it le...
WYNNIEe! lu must take superrrr goood care of your new baby, baby, baby owhh~
and dun finish your sweets so fast =PPP
Summer =D read more jokes that suit your name ler~ or else next time we might really call you winter le xD
thanks for sending us back yeah, appreciate it lotsss =D
hehe...sooo sampat la we all xD but i just have to let y'all know
i enjoyed it very, very very much...
the Hop! and the Chick! and the bunny and the Food <3
thanks for making my weekends feel like weekends~
P/S: Slept at 8pm yesterday, thats y I am sitting at my balcony now, typing this post,
with headsets on to a melody I got from Ting Yeong, staring at the sky while it slowly turns from black to orange, and yellow and finally blue =)
i feel awesome larh!
01 April 2011
I have a research report due soon and I still have absolutely no idea what to do!!
this sucks la...I need this report for my A levels
and most of my friends have either finished or
are finishing it...
hmm...what should I do???
this sucks la...I need this report for my A levels
and most of my friends have either finished or
are finishing it...
hmm...what should I do???
Since yesterday I have completed a series of maintenance work
on my laptop
now it is running extremely FINE xD
I'll run you through the process, if you have free time
remember to do this often
so your computer can run all smooth and nice
unless you have a cool ass powerful laptop
maintenance is key to the productivity of low-spec laptops like mine =)
okay,first step, and believe me, this is the hardest step ever...
delete all the stuff you don't need!
back up all your photos, logs, chat history and stuff in another place
and keep your OS (Operating System) hard drive clean =)
then, I'd highly recommend Ccleaner as a safe, easy and fast way to unclog your system
from all the trash you leave around
The software is free and safe, just follow the instructions and click clean once in a while,
just keep your computer clean that's all...
To keep it simple, the next step is to defrag your system,
believe me it helps =)
Piriform also has a cool software, called defraggler, also free, check it out here =)
these software are easy enough to use, just click next and next and next
it will help improve your computer =)
with this simple maintenance your computer will have an improvement in response
the same as mine
Onto useful software now...
now I know most of the people nowadays choose google chrome as their default browser
and some people are still using firefox 3.6.15 by mozilla
but I highly recommend you installing mozilla firefox 4 =)
it is seriously fast and better and nicer than chrome
and has less compatibility issues,
means you will get less problems during surfing, downloading and while using facebook =)
besides that, some pages require use of Internet Explorer,
I personally use Internet Explorer 9 very nice, its clean and fast
compared to the useless older versions
and if you are not a fan of IE but still need to access some sites
that needs Internet Explorer to work (mostly china sites) like tom365,
just use the IE tab 2 extension, which is available for both firefox and chrome =)
Also, installing firefox 4 comes with a whole package of useful extensions
like something to download videos from youtube
change xunlei and other links to normal links and more
if you have the time, just poke around with the add-ons,
you will find that firefox really makes life easy for us
on my laptop
now it is running extremely FINE xD
I'll run you through the process, if you have free time
remember to do this often
so your computer can run all smooth and nice
unless you have a cool ass powerful laptop
maintenance is key to the productivity of low-spec laptops like mine =)
okay,first step, and believe me, this is the hardest step ever...
delete all the stuff you don't need!
back up all your photos, logs, chat history and stuff in another place
and keep your OS (Operating System) hard drive clean =)
then, I'd highly recommend Ccleaner as a safe, easy and fast way to unclog your system
from all the trash you leave around
The software is free and safe, just follow the instructions and click clean once in a while,
just keep your computer clean that's all...
To keep it simple, the next step is to defrag your system,
believe me it helps =)
Piriform also has a cool software, called defraggler, also free, check it out here =)
these software are easy enough to use, just click next and next and next
it will help improve your computer =)
with this simple maintenance your computer will have an improvement in response
the same as mine
Onto useful software now...
now I know most of the people nowadays choose google chrome as their default browser
and some people are still using firefox 3.6.15 by mozilla
but I highly recommend you installing mozilla firefox 4 =)
it is seriously fast and better and nicer than chrome
and has less compatibility issues,
means you will get less problems during surfing, downloading and while using facebook =)
besides that, some pages require use of Internet Explorer,
I personally use Internet Explorer 9 very nice, its clean and fast
compared to the useless older versions
and if you are not a fan of IE but still need to access some sites
that needs Internet Explorer to work (mostly china sites) like tom365,
just use the IE tab 2 extension, which is available for both firefox and chrome =)
Also, installing firefox 4 comes with a whole package of useful extensions
like something to download videos from youtube
change xunlei and other links to normal links and more
if you have the time, just poke around with the add-ons,
you will find that firefox really makes life easy for us
31 March 2011
time is seriously being wasted over here,
having too lenient a schedule for a pre-university course really
depresses me right now...
After 3 semesters of teaching, our lecturers have no more to offer us,
having covered our syllabus already,
there is really no point going to class now...
all we do in class is what we do ourselves before examinations,
finishing pass year papers to get a hang of the examination questions
and to master the techniques in answering them
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Sleep Learning, I believe in it =) |
truthfully, we classes seem more like burdens for me to wake up super early
in the morning just to go sit in class...
I mean come on...before this at least lectures and tests are conducted...
but nowadays we just go to class to do redundant work...
and honestly, it is getting a little irritating =(
anyhow, glad that I have 3 days every day as weekends =DD
I am going out with some friends to Sunway Pyramid tomorrow to lay off some steam
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Out out out!!! Tomorrow =) |
this may well be one of the last few trips of me to subang jaya =((
I'll be heading off to Bukit Jalil to study, and the closest place to hang there should be Midvalley
So I guess I'd grab every chance I have left to go there now,
now that I am still so near =)
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Soon-to-be University =) |
29 March 2011
few more months and i'll be starting my degree...
finally =,=
just went through hell of an application process and still hadn't actually
applied =S
this sucks la...mass online applications are never a good idea...
anyhow...trying tomorrow when the web traffic is reduced =)
maxis broadband is kinda slow today too =((
hmm...deactivated my facebook account...
thinking of permanently doing so...
but without something to replace the time i spend on facebook
it feels terrible
really terrible...i need to involve more in my life...
i dun want it to be revolving around facebook
soon in the future when I am in university =S
23 March 2011
Today, let me talk about college life =)
MY college life started out quite soon after I finished Secondary School...
I went to a Junior College in Singapore to study for the A levels
I must say, being so far from home really requires independence =)
Laundry, the room, the toilet and even the desks and cupboards need constant cleaning and washing which wasn't in my previous daily routines
Fun part is, you get to hang out with friends and go wherever you'd like, so exploring the place you are studying in is most likely to happen =D
It's fun and awesome, basically a taste of freedom
We'd go to seasides, shopping avenues, and tourist attractions! =)
It was a great experience anyhow, only the studies there truly is taxing
we were supposed to study a course called the Singapore-Cambridge A levels
Well I have to say, it is HARDER =( which meant more studying
AND to think Singaporeans are mostly fit, the reason? we had P.E. lessons
Football, basketball, badminton, running...the whole package =)
Now, college life in Malaysia, where I am currently studying =)
is a bit different
It is easier
the freedom part is still there though =P
Only downside is that PUBLIC TRANSPORT here is terrible =(
I usually spend half the time I go out in public transport systems,
be it buses, trains or commuters...
One more thing, undoubtedly, stress cannot be removed from your life in college
but it can't be removed anytime in life too =)
So fretting does not help
Just try to expect less and be grateful to what you already have =)
or go out partying with a bunch of friends once in a while helps too!
No matter where you are just remember
with freedom and aging
comes responsibilities!
that means when you remember to party and play,
Don't forget about your assignments and not to fail your subjects =X
22 March 2011
thoughts in my mind...
I am freaking irritated right now,
feels like a thousand problems are running through my mind,
stuff about friends and family and college and life...
but when I try to find and face one of these problems,
they seem to always be able to slip away and get lost.
I am confused.
I do not know what I want and what I am looking forward to right now.
Like I said, it feels like, I have a lot running through my mind,
but in fact, I can't really seem to find out what's wrong or how to fix it.
Its driving me crazy now =S
I should be happy...
But truthfully, I am not...well not really anyways...
I just feel...so empty right now...
I want to know what to do...
Life...is easy enough for me right now...
But why the hell am I not feeling 'normal' =S
I have most of the things I need and want...
I have been doing things I like and now use to like...
I just need something new...
something awesome =D
something...like a new TV series!
or...an assignment to get my mind off of things...
feels like a thousand problems are running through my mind,
stuff about friends and family and college and life...
but when I try to find and face one of these problems,
they seem to always be able to slip away and get lost.
I am confused.
I do not know what I want and what I am looking forward to right now.
Like I said, it feels like, I have a lot running through my mind,
but in fact, I can't really seem to find out what's wrong or how to fix it.
Its driving me crazy now =S
I should be happy...
But truthfully, I am not...well not really anyways...
I just feel...so empty right now...
I want to know what to do...
Life...is easy enough for me right now...
But why the hell am I not feeling 'normal' =S
I have most of the things I need and want...
I have been doing things I like and now use to like...
I just need something new...
something awesome =D
something...like a new TV series!
or...an assignment to get my mind off of things...
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